Book Review – The Princess Bride

Book: The Princess Bride

Author:William Goldman

I have a friend who reads vicariously through me. English is his fourth language and he says he is not exactly comfortable reading large books. Instead, he watches movies and hilariously reviews them for his friends and coworkers. We get a new review each week and was one of my inspirations to begin blogging my book reviews. He took my recommendation to watch all the Harry Potter movies. Once he would finish one movie, he would ask me dozens of questions about the world, plot, characters, places, etc. We talked for hours about Harry Potter. So, in return, I agreed to read/review The Princess Bride (in addition to watching The Hobbit trilogy of movies). This review is dedicated to you, R.

It is inconceivable to me that anyone has not read this book or at least watched the movie at least a dozen times. The Princess Bride is a classic and a masterpiece. Westley and Buttercup are one of my favorite literary couples I’ve read. Yes, yes. I know. I KNOW. There are so many other marvelous couple to read about throughout literature. Sue me. I am a product of the 80s and love me some Westley and Buttercup.

Side bar: I am interested to know who are your favorite literary couple. Let me know in the comments!

Back to the review aka the reason you are reading this post. The story begins with a sick little boy and his grandfather’s idea to read him a story: The Princess Bride! We first meet Westley when he is a farmhand (“Farm boy” – You all said that in your head in Robin Wright’s voice. Don’t even bother denying it. I won’t believe you.) on Buttercup’s parents’ estate. When he and Buttercup fall in love (“As you wish” is still one of my favorite ways I’ve read to convey “I love you”), they must overcome incredible obstacles to be together (death, pirates, kidnap, Mawage, sword fights, torture, and the most odious of princes Prince Humperdink).

One of my all-time favorite quotes is when Vizzini says, “He didn’t fall?! Inconceivable!” And Inigo Montoya (Hello! My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.) says (and this is my favorite part), “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

The banter between characters throughout the whole book is superb and, for me, set the bar in a lot of ways in my young and impressionable mind. It is witty and contains some of the most used and loved quotes of my generation. This story is fun and funny. A complete trip with a cast of characters that get into your head and stay there.

PS. Do you ever think “I love you” is an over-used phrase? It is rare for me to find a romance which doesn’t use “I love you” at all (like The Princess Bride). To date, I’ve read two. In a romance story, I want to read about love conquering all because in the real world it so often doesn’t. Reading stories, I am infatuated with the process which the characters get to the “I love yous”. I want to see how they conquer the world against all odds to get to the “I love yous”. How do they get there? What obstacles must be overcome? What plot twists and character flaws must they conquer? Are they good obstacles or ones only placed in front of them for the sake of drawing it out? Are there gasp-worthy moments and ones I didn’t see coming? These are the things that make a good romance story to me. I grow weary of characters using “I love you” as a blanket which is why a story like The Princess Bride is so refreshing. The use of “As you wish” in its place is adorable and still causes females I know to grow gooey in the knees.

If you liked The Princess Bride, you might like:

Color of Magic

Bite Me

Good Omens

Storm Front


16 thoughts on “Book Review – The Princess Bride

  1. I have never read the Princess Bride but have seen the movie a bunch. I keep wanting to read it and now I know I NEED to read it.


  2. Bella & Edward!!!! (O.K. I’m kidding…really.) I am a total romance nerd. I love the smart-ass, snarky, shit-kicking girl and the “gives it as well as he takes it” guy that doesn’t let her walk all over him, but takes good care of her…like REALLY good care (if you know what I mean – wink, wink). Like Kate & Curran, Merit & Ethan, Jaz & Vayl, Kat & Bones, Charlie & Reyes, and Mercy & Adam just to name a few. I love those characters that make me LOL, and then make me swoon!


  3. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice), Sabriel and Touchstone (The Old Kingdom Series by Garth Nix), Tris and Four (The Divergent Series), Katniss and Peeta (The Hunger Games Series), in that series. Each couple taught me somethine unique.


  4. Probably one of my favorite couples is Will and Lou from Me Before You. It really opened my eyes and made me look at their relationship through a different view. Also Tristan and Isolde.


  5. I would say, Miss J. this is one of your best reviews. I love this book/movie, and I agree how this doesn’t follow the cookie cutter love story’s. also my favorite literary couple, has to be Sam and Frodo from the Lords of the ring. those guys are definitions of love!.


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